Part Lists

Required Parts

These are the parts required to fully populate the PPA board.

I don't give part numbers for resistors because resistors are more or less generic. I recommend 1% metal film types for most of the resistors on the board. See the schematic and the Part Selection Guide for recommended resistor values and types.

Some components are marked "Alt.". These are alternatives for the immediately preceding component.

Description Qty ID Digi-Key Newark Mouser RS Components
Electrolytic capacitor, radial 1 to 9 C1 See Guide for selection advice
Film bypass capacitor, radial, 10mm pitch, 0.1 µF 5 C2 BC2091 –  –  – 
     Alt. film bypass capacitor, axial, 0.1 µF 5 C2 –  –  75-MKT1813410254 – 
Electrolytic capacitor, radial, 10mm, 220 µF/35 V 6 C4 P10297 –  647-UPW1V221MPD – 
10pF silver mica cap 1 C6 338-1061 –  5982-15-500V10 – 
     Alt. 100pF silver mica cap 1 C6 338-1042 –  5982-15-500V100 – 
Rail isolation JFET (8mA min.) 6 Q3 –  18C9222 512-2N5486 – 
     Alt. rail isolation JFET (5mA min.) 6 Q3 –  18C7931 512-PN4393 – 
     Alt. rail isolation JFET (25mA min.) 6 Q3 –  18C7930 512-PN4392 – 
     Alt. rail isolation JFET (50mA min.) 6 Q3 –  13C1485 512-PN4391 – 
Buffer bias CCS JFET 3 Q4 –  18C7930 512-PN4392 – 
Buffer driver transistors, 2N5087, formed leads 9 Q21-23 2N5087RLRAOSCT –  512-2N5087_J18Z – 
     Alt. buffer driver transistors, straight leads 9 Q21-23 2N5087 –  512-2N5087BU – 
Buffer driver transistors, 2N5088, formed leads 9 Q31-33 –  –  512-2N5088_J61Z – 
     Alt. buffer driver transistors, straight leads 9 Q31-33 2N5088BU –  512-2N5088BU – 
Output transistor, + side, MJE243 3 Q24 MJE243OS –  –  – 
     Alt. output transistor, + side, BD139 3 Q24 BD139OS –  511-BD139 – 
Output transistor, - side, MJE253 3 Q34 MJE253OS –  –  – 
     Alt. output transistor, - side, BD140 3 Q34 BD140OS –  511-BD140 – 
Texas Instruments TLE2426CLP ("rail splitter") 3 TLE 296-1994 08F9196 595-TLE2426CLP 284-220
     Alt. rail splitter, different packaging 3 TLE 296-1994-1 –  –  – 
Op-amp, AD8610AR 3 OPAMP –  85C1244 –  – 
     Alt. op-amp, OPA627AP 3 OPAMP OPA627AP –  –  – 
Output resistor, 2.2 Ω, 1 or 2 W 6 R24/34 2.2W-1 –  282-2.2 – 
     Alt. output resistor, 4.7 Ω, 1 or 2 W 6 R24/34 4.7W-1 –  282-4.7 – 
     Alt. output resistor, 10 Ω, 1 or 2 W 6 R24/34 10W-1 –  282-10 – 
Cermet multiturn trim pot, Bourns 3296W, 2K 3 R12 3296W-202 03F3879 652-3296W-1-202 – 
     Alt. trim pot, BC CT-94W 3 R12 CT94W202 92B1725 –  – 
     Alt. trim pot, Murata PV36W 3 R12 490-2284 –  81-PV36W202A01B00 – 
     Alt. trim pot, Vishay-Spectrol Model 64 3 R12 –  67F5828 594-64W202 – 
Power input diode, 50V 1A, DO-41 1 D1 1N4001FSCT 18C8911 625-1N4001-E3 – 
Enclosure, Hammond 1455N16xx
    silver, metal panels
    silver, plastic panels
    black, metal panels
    black, plastic panels
1 n/a



Input jacks (RCA; black, white and red) 2 IN CP-1412
Output jack, 1/4", locking, isolated 1 OUT –  46F8572 568-NJ3FP6C – 
     Alt. 1/4" jack, standard style, isolated 1 OUT –  57F3306 502-N112B 449-348
     Alt. 1/4" jack, standard style, isolatable 1 OUT SC1123 –  502-RN112BPC – 
     Alt. stereo mini jack (3.5mm), isolated 2 IN/OUT –  –  161-7300 – 
5.5/2.5mm DC power jack, isolated 1 n/a CP-011B –  163-4303-EX – 
     Alt. DC power jack, isolated, locking 1 n/a –  –  163-1100 – 
Power switch (round DPDT rocker) 1 S1 EG1890 26H5744 612-RR3130B – 
Volume control, ALPS RK27, 50 kΩ 1 or 2 VOL –  –  –  236-9604
Volume knob, aluminum, silver and black 1 or 2 n/a 226-3002

Optional Parts

Here are some parts that you may need, or that are "preference" things. The Part Selection Guide will help you to decide which optional parts you want, and which ones you wish to leave out.

Description Qty ID Digi-Key Newark Mouser RS Components
1.0 µF/50 V+ metalized polyester box cap 6 C5 BC1622 06H2389 75-MKT1826510066 – 
     Alt. 1.5 µF/50 V+ metalized polyester box cap 6 C5 BC1626 18C4917 75-MKT1826515054 – 
     Alt. 2.2 µF/50 V+ metalized polyester box cap 6 C5 –  65C1750 75-MKT1826522055 – 
Film capacitor 2 C7 See Guide for selection advice
Cermet multiturn trim pot, Bourns 3296W, 2K 3 R9 3296W-202 03F3879 652-3296W-1-202 – 
     Alt. trim pot, BC CT-94W 3 R9 CT94W202 92B1725 –  – 
     Alt. trim pot, Murata PV36W 3 R9 490-2284 –  81-PV36W202A01B00 – 
     Alt. trim pot, Vishay-Spectrol Model 64 3 R9 –  67F5828 594-64W202 – 
Cascode JFET, 2N5484 3 Q1 –  38C7726 512-2N5484 – 
Cascode JFET, 2N5486 3 Q2 –  13C2012 512-2N5486 – 
Power indicator LED, red, 3mm 1 LED 516-1308 90F5862 638-HLMP-1700 588-386
     Alt. power indicator LED, amber 1 LED 516-1310 96F2333
638-HLMP1719 588-392
     Alt. power indicator LED, green 1 LED 516-1309 87F393 638-HLMP1790 589-014
     Alt. power indicator LED, blue 1 LED L14006 –  606-CMD264UBD – 
     Alt. power indicator LED, white 1 LED CMD204UWC –  606-CMD204UWC – 
LED current-limiting JFET 1 FET –  38C7726 512-2N5484 – 
LED low-voltage zener, 1N523x, 4.7 to 9.1V 1 ZNR 1N523xBMSCT –  78-1N523xB – 
     Alt. LED low-voltage zener, 1N524x, 10 to 19V 1 ZNR 1N524xBMSCT –  78-1N524xB – 
Bass-boost switch (short-bat DPST toggle) 1 S2 EG2403 –  612-100-F2311 – 
DIP-8 IC sockets, gold contacts 3 n/a ED90032 04M0550 575-11043308 813-115
Power supply (Elpac WM080) 1 n/a –  16F126 –  – 
Molex KK male 3-pin upright connector 1 n/a WM4201 –  538-22-23-2031 – 
Molex KK female 3-pin connector 1 n/a WM2001 –  538-22-01-3037 – 
Molex KK crimp terminals 3 n/a WM2200 –  538-08-50-0114 – 

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